Who are we?

Karine Castro


In 2015, my life took a shift. I became vegetarian for ethical reasons, opening myself up to a new way of eating. I began to question the availability of plant-based options in restaurants and noticed the lack of knowledge among chefs on this subject.

I created the online media Graines de Papilles to highlight the work of professionals in plant-based gastronomy and to introduce this emerging cuisine to the general public.

My work around plant-based gastronomy has allowed me to discover the richness of plant-based cuisine alongside food professionals while immersing myself in the world of renowned chefs who continusly inspire and nourish me.

As a natural progression of this journey, I founded the Institut de la Gastronomie Végétale in 2020, with the goal of supporting restaurant professionals in developing their plant-based offerings.

Today, this project is held by my agency, KN Communication. As a Consultant in Communication and Digital Marketing, I provide support to professionals who wish to enhance their plant-based offerings as part of their sustainability approach.

Surrounding this project are also our partners, experts in their fields, who support the mission of Institut V and contribute to its growth.

It is also a team of professionals in communication, Digital Marketing, consulting, training, and project management who work behind the scenes.

Finally, it is all the hospitality professionals who want to highlight the gastronomic dimension of their plant-based cuisine and trust us to support their projects.

I invite you to discover this wonderful world and wish you a warm welcome.

Autour de l'Institut V, ce sont aussi des partenaires, experts dans leur domaine, qui soutiennent la démarche de l'Institut V et participent à son développement.

C'est aussi une équipe de professionnels de la communication, du Marketing Digital, du conseil, de la formation et de la gestion de projet qui oeuvrent dans l'ombre.

Ce sont enfin tous les professionnels de l’hôtellerie-restauration, qui font appel à nous pour valoriser la dimension gastronomique de la cuisine végétale et nous font confiance pour accompagner leurs projets.

Je vous invite à découvrir ce bel univers et vous souhaite la bienvenue.

Karine Castro
